Hey, I’m Alec.

In middle school, I scooped up a cheap 3-piece drum set from its the display window of Skippy’s Music, rented a four track recorder and wrote, produced and distributed a full-length album on cassette tape under the alias Sam (I’d prefer to never hear it again). With that, a love for all things writing and recording was born.

A few things about me: I’ve made music with a band that composed and performed entirely on children’s toys, and with people in inpatient psychiatric units and in end-of-life care. My original song list of over 225 compositions has mostly been composed to Shel Silverstein’s poems before I re-write the lyrics. I have listened to God Only Knows perhaps 10,000 times and never once tired of it, which should tell you everything about my aspirations: melody and harmony.

Having gigged everywhere from cold Brooklyn warehouses to a nun’s convent, I now scurry around the house in the wee hours, coffee in hand, writing music most mornings before fulfilling demands for more syrup from my 3 youngsters. I’m trying to find more peace, which means: more music.